‘Analoges und digitales Gestalten – Begegnungen’
100 Years of the Swiss Werkbund
Group exhibition with representatives from architecture, design and art

IG Halle Rapperswil, May 26 – September 15, 2013

 Gramazio & Kohler, ETH Zurich (Architecture and digital production) Beige Swiss Styling, Manuela Helg and Karin Maurer (textile design) Fabian Schwaerzler (industrial design) Hans Thomann (3-D Print) Bölsterli Hitz (Architecture) Vreni Spieser (artist) Michelle Grob (artist)
Project direction • Concept and realization of the exhibition together with Viktor Püschel, polydesigner, Zurich and the IG Halle Rapperswil team• Invitation and poster • Public relations
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